I'm Shadman Chowdhury. I live in Dhaka, Bangladesh, where I craft beautiful applications and websites.

Making things is something I've always enjoyed. I'm a 90's kid, so I grew up with the internet. I've been online on the internet for as long as I can remember. Back then, when the internet was all about dial-ups, hyperlinks, and browser fragmentation, my puny little hands made webpages using XHTML (precursor to HTML5). Being able to link one page to another was mind-blowing to me. I was hooked.

However, this passion lay dormant for years as life's other commitments took precedence. High school was a time of limited freedom, and college led me down a different path as I delved into biochemistry, aiming to carve out a career in the STEM field. But then, an unexpected twist occurred. During the COVID-19 pandemic, while working as a higher education consultant, I stumbled back into the world of web development. It was an accidental rediscovery, but one that reignited my long-forgotten passion.

This resurgence of interest led me to enroll in Codecademy's Coding Bootcamp, where I embarked on a journey into full-stack web application development. The Bootcamp was a transformative experience, equipping me with the skills and knowledge needed to create complex, multifaceted applications.

Today, my learning journey continues as I delve into various fields of software engineering. I'm currently exploring machine learning, data visualization, enterprise software development (including DevOps), and data analysis. My goal is to build applications that are not only widely used, but also becomes industry standards for scalable, fast, secure, user-friendly, accessible and adaptable applications.

Learn more about my buildtools, techstack, and workflow.